Alma is a secure, easy-to-use online system that brings important school information and tools together in one place. We expect this to save school leaders and teachers time and make it easier to get a complete view of students’ progress.
Alma, much like PowerSchool, is a secure, easy-to-use online system that brings important school information and tools together in one place.
You can also email teachers and school staff through Alma, so you never have to search for their contact information. If you have more than one child enrolled at our school, you will be able to access each student’s information with a single login!

Establishing a Parent Portal Account.pdf
Parent Portal_Mobile.pdf
Welcome to Alma-Parent User Guide
Setting Up Mobile App
Follow Google's instructions for installing a PWA.
Using your web browser (Safari), log into your school’s Alma site. At the bottom of the screen, tap on the “share” icon and scroll up past your suggested apps. Then, select “add to home screen.” You can modify the title of the icon or leave it as is before you tap “add,” and that’s it!