Just a reminder. For those of you who haven't signed up, we will host a school-based flu vaccine clinic for all students, at no cost to your family on October 3, 2024 at 11:30 am. Our clinic is being offered in cooperation with the New Hampshire Immunization Program (Division of Public Health Services) and your Regional Public Health Network. The clinic is during the school day and trained medical staff will administer the vaccine.
Why sign your child up for this year’s flu clinic?
- Your child will be less likely to get the flu and miss school.
- You won’t have to miss work to take your child to get a flu vaccine from your medical
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services recommend a flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older.
If you DO want your student to receive the flu vaccine at our school-based clinic, please complete the attached consent form and return it to me no later than 09/27/2024.
If you DO NOT want your child to receive the flu vaccine at our school-based clinic, please DO NOT complete the consent form. No action is needed.
More Information:
Your child’s vaccination information is confidential and protected under state and federal law. New Hampshire’s Immunization Information System (NHIIS) securely stores immunization information from all of your healthcare providers in a single record. The NHIIS is a HIPAA compliant, web-based system that is voluntary for you/your child.
Per NH RSA 141-C:20-f sharing your/your child’s vaccine information with the NHIIS is voluntary. You will be provided an opportunity to Opt-In (to share information) or Opt-Out (to not share information) prior to vaccination. No information will be shared with the NHIIS unless you have provided explicit consent to share your/your child’s vaccine information.
When you Opt-In to the NHIIS your child’s immunization is electronically available to you and your healthcare provider wherever they are. Unlike paper records, NHIIS records are available whenever needed and can’t be misplaced. Additional information is available at https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/programs-services/disease-prevention/immunizations/nh-immunization- information-system/nhiis-0
For general influenza information, visit the CDC’s website: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/index.html
Vaccine information from Immunize.org is also available to help answer your questions: Vaccine Information Statement: Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (immunize.org).
If you need a paper copy of the Flu Vaccine Consent form, it is available in my office. Feel free to send your child to me for one or drop me an email or a call and I will send one home with your child.
Secondly please make sure the form is complete in its entirety to include signature and date. Note, on the second page of the form if you chose to Opt In to having your child's information available to the NHIIS system a signature is required in this section as well. Thank you,
Danielle Madeja, RN
Sunapee Middle High School